A new protocol is open at the Pediatric Oncology Branch of the National Cancer Institute for children, ages 8 to 17 years, who have had a brain tumor that was treated with radiation at least 2 years ago. This study is evaluating whether a novel home physical activity program improves cognitive late effects, which may include difficulties with attention, memory, and processing speed. Previous research has shown that increases in physical activity can result in improvements in brain function and cognitive skills. This study will involve a pre-study evaluation at the NIH (a short cognitive evaluation, fitness testing, and a blood draw), a 12-week home physical activity program (using an activity monitor and website to track one’s progress), and a follow-up evaluation at the NIH. Eligible children will be randomly assigned to either a group getting the physical activity program or a group doing their usual physical activity. After completing the follow-up evaluation, the group first doing their usual activities will then do the physical activity program while the other group will be asked to continue doing the program for 12 more weeks on their own. All will complete a final brief cognitive assessment. We hope that the home program, which we will plan to fit to your child’s favorite physical activities, will help to improve cognitive functions, as well as physical health, and be fun to do. We also will offer a small compensation for children who complete the study, and they will get to keep their activity monitors. If you might be interested in participating in this study and would like more information, please email Dr. Pam Wolters or call us at 301-496-0561. We look forward to hearing from you!